Colorado Ukrainian Political Action Committee

Supporting and Empowering Leaders Who Defend Ukraine's Sovereignty and Democracy

To Protect

Democracy and Western values by advocating for policies that support Ukraine's sovereignty and resilience against aggression.

Our mission:

To Support

the fight for freedom by encouraging our elected officials to vote in favor of Ukraine and to build bipartisan backing for Ukraine’s victory.

To Help

spread shared core values of the United States and Ukraine by organizing effective fundraising

Dear Coloradans,

Imagine that we in Colorado faced the conditions that people in Ukraine face today.

For more than two and a half years our homes have been bombed, our fellow citizens murdered by an invading force. Power plants and refineries, schools and hospitals, all indiscriminately targeted from beyond our state boundaries while an invading force of criminals occupies our farms and buries land mines across hundreds of square miles of farmland.All our airports are forced to close, shipments of grain are threatened, our children kidnapped and taken away by the foreign invaders.

Such a terrible reality is hard for us to imagine, because we Coloradans have never faced such terror.

But that is the reality that Ukraine lives with every day.

Since Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Ukraine’s survival has depended upon both the courage of its population and military help from abroad. Most Americans, including most Coloradans, have supported Ukraine.

But not all. Some of our elected officials — some among our eight Congressmen sent to Washington DC to reflect our views — have opposed helping Ukraine.

Until now, there was not much we could do about it. Our local mass media have a limited attention span. Local debate usually skips over foreign policy.

Now that has changed. Colorado Ukrainian Political Action Committee will collect funds to publicize the records of our elected representatives and candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. We will endorse candidates, supporting those who support Ukraine and opposing those who do not. We will also attempt to educated our representatives about the true facts of the conditions and situation in Ukraine

Our support will not depend on a candidate’s party affiliation but we will certainly not be blind to the positions taken by those at the top of those parties. If we cannot count on a candidate’s support for Ukraine, we will not support that candidate.

We will have no paid staff, no junkets or freebies. Apart from legal and accounting fees, Colorado Ukrainian PAC will pay only for programs and advertising to increase support for Ukraine. Our accounting will be transparent.

If you are an American citizen or “green card” holder — legally admitted for permanent residence in the United States — we welcome your financial support. That is the only financial support we can accept under Federal Law.

With deepest thanks,

for the Colorado Ukrainian Political Action Committee

Mark E. Dillen

Denver, CO

About Us

We are a bi-partisan PAC based in Colorado, composed of U.S. citizens who hold a deep and heartfelt connection to Ukraine and its people.

We proudly support pro-Ukraine Democratic and Republican members of Congress and congressional candidates.

We are an outgrowth of Ukrainians of Colorado (UOC), a non-profit dedicated to uniting and preserving Ukrainian heritage. UOC's mission is to restore and strengthen the Ukrainian community in Colorado through various social functions and events. They work tirelessly to raise awareness, knowledge, and understanding about Ukraine both locally and beyond. UOC also raises funds to provide medical and humanitarian aid to Ukrainians, partnering with established providers in Ukraine to ensure effective support.

We stand with those who stand with Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine means supporting international order that keeps all countries and all populations safe. 

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is the agreement that nuclear powers, like Russia, will respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other countries, like Ukraine, and agree to support the peaceful use of nuclear energy for their prosperity.

“All of that is at stake in Russia's invasion and occupation of Ukraine.”

— Celeste Wallander, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs at the U.S. Department of Defense

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